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A standout amongst the most prevalent back rub treatments honed in India, potlis have been utilized as a part of South East Asia, particularly in Thailand, as a characteristic solution for hundreds of years. Potli massage treatment is finished utilizing warmed natural pockets otherwise called potlis (or poultice) that are utilized to restore, unwind and feed the influenced territory. At the point when these potlis are put on the body, they have a remedial impact. All things considered, aren’t we searching for those back rubs that recuperates our agony and in addition abandons us feeling revived?

Ayurveda is known to be one of the most seasoned restorative customs in India and potli rub treatment discovers its foundations in this science. Potlis contain a choice of Ayurvedic herbs, both, new and dried, that are deliberately picked in view of your Ayurvedic constitution and the issue that you’re being dealt with for. They are then stuffed into a muslin fabric and dunked in warm cured oil (for a wet back rub) or sand or some natural powder (for a dry back rub) and after that massageed onto particular weight focuses that assistance in mending the body. They likewise help invigorate blood flow which advances speedier recuperation and sound skin too.

Our signature Potli Massages take a shot at a deep rooted logic which depends on the intersection of the components of discharge and water joined with particular herbs. At the point when the warmed potli is rubbed on the body, it opens the pores and unwinds the muscles, enabling the deliberately chosen herbs to take a shot at the body and brain, the last being the motivation behind why it is thought of as being exceptionally unwinding. Our masseurs suggest this potli massage for sicknesses, for example, rheumatoid joint pain, spondylitis, solidified shoulders, osteoarthritis et cetera.